Does this sound familiar?
I can help!
This can be YOU - Thanks to my Natural Healthcare on a Budget EBook with
60+ remedies, recipes and solutions!
I get asked often... how do I learn, where do I go? I can't just text you all of the time! My answer - I used the big hard back reference book, searched facebook groups, texted people who knew more than me and learned by trial and error. I did learn - that making mistakes is not a big deal, because you can't really overdose on certified pure tested grade essential oils. There was a lot of time that went into learning what tips and recipes worked for my family.
This is why after 7 years, I have created an ebook to simplify the process for you! In this ebook, you will find over 60 of my most used recipes for common complaints like headaches and tummy aches, to cold and flu. Also included are first aid remedies and non-toxic cleaning.
My Natural Healthcare on a Budget ebook is just what you need to help you have the knowledge and confidence to begin using natural healthcare for every member of your household today!